Upcoming Retreats


14FebAll Day16Women Rising: Restoring balance and embracing our innate wisdom-presented by Heartland MeadowsFriday 14th February to Sunday 16th February - $695

21FebAll Day24Awaken your spirit: a transformative retreat for inner growth -presented by Craig HarmerFriday 21st February to Monday 24th February - $795


07MarAll Day10Quantum Awakening: Creating a life of connection, abundance and joy - SOLD OUTFriday 7th March - Monday 10th March - FULLY BOOKED

14MarAll Day16Full Moon Women's Retreat: Relax and Restore -presented by Heartland MeadowsFriday 14th March to Sunday 16th March - Investment $795


06AprAll Day12Radiant Reset: A detox journey to wellness -presented by Heartland MeadowsSunday 6 April to Saturday 12 April - $1795


01MayAll Day05Hero’s Journey: A Women’s Retreat of Growth, Reflection and Self-Discovery -presented by Wendy houseThursday 1st May to Monday 5th May - Investment $895

23MayAll Day26Birthing Your Sacred Medicine Drum: A Transformative Weekend of Creation, Connection and Sacred Ceremony- presented by Craft of Heart and HearthFriday 23rd - Monday 26th May - Investment $1095

30MayAll Day02JunAwaken your spirit: a transformative retreat for inner growth -presented by Craig HarmerFriday 30th May to Monday 2nd June - $795


30MayAll Day02JunAwaken your spirit: a transformative retreat for inner growth -presented by Craig HarmerFriday 30th May to Monday 2nd June - $795